
EngineRoom aims to be a simple to use, unobtrusive admin interface for rails applications. It is designed to be an add-on for existing web apps and not a full blown CMS. Just add EngineRoom to an app and it will create a customizable interface for editing the content data.

Development is still in its early stages, not ready for production use yet.


  • configure which models and which fields are editable

  • customize form fields

  • support for has_many and belongs_to relationships

  • authentication und user management using Devise

  • currently supports admin and non-admin roles, where the admin can configure the interface and create new users

  • support for image uploads

  • localization support (currently English and German)


Add to your Gemfile

gem 'engine_room'


bundle install

to setup engine_room, run the following generator:

rails generator engine_room:setup

which will create a few needed models, and finally:

rake db:migrate

then start your server and go to /admin to access the admin interface.

Gem Dependencies

  • rails 3

  • devise

  • will_paginate

  • paperclip

  • crummy