Engine Yard Cloud Client

engineyard-cloud-client contains a Ruby api library to the Engine Yard Cloud API. Extracted from the engineyard gem.


require 'engineyard-cloud-client'
require 'engineyard-cloud-client/test'

token  = EY::CloudClient.authenticate("[email protected]", "password")
ui = EY::CloudClient::Test::VerboseUI.new
# Test::VerboseUI is used in this example for simplicity.
# You may substitute your own ui object with #debug and #info methods

ey_api = EY::CloudClient.new(token, ui)

Current User:

user = ey_api.current_user
user.class # => EY::CloudClient::User
user.name  # => "Your Name"
user.email # => "[email protected]"


apps = ey_api.apps # loads all your app data at once; caches result

app = apps.find {|app| app.name == 'myapp'}
app.class           # => EY::CloudClient::App
app.name            # => 'myapp'
app.id              # => 123
app.repository_uri  # => [email protected]:myaccount/myapp.git

app..class   # => EY::CloudClient::Account

app.app_environments.first.class # => EY::CloudClient::AppEnvironment
app.app_environments.map {|e| e.environment.name} # => ['myapp_production', 'myapp_staging']

Create a new application (to be booted within Environments):

account = EY::CloudClient::Account.new(ey_api, {:id => 4212, :name => 'drnic'})
app = EY::CloudClient::App.create(ey_api,
  "account"        => account
  "name"           => "myapp",
  "repository_uri" => "[email protected]:mycompany/myapp.git",
  "app_type_id"    => "rails3",

Valid ‘app_type_id` are: `rack, rails2, rails3, rails4, sinatra, nodejs`. For some your account may require an early access feature to be enabled.


 = app.
.class   # => EY::CloudClient::Account
.id      # => 1234
.name    # => 'myaccount'


Upload your SSH public keys before you create Environments.

keypair = EY::CloudClient::Keypair.create(ey_api, {
  "name"       => 'laptop',
  "public_key" => "ssh-rsa OTHERKEYPAIR"


envs = ey_api.environments # loads all your environment data at once; caches result

env = envs.find {|e| e.name == 'myapp_production'}
env.class             # => EY::CloudClient::Environment
env.name              # => 'myapp_production'
env.id                # => 2345
env.framework_env     # => "production"
env.app_server_stack_name     # => "nginx_thin"
env.deployment_configurations # => {"myapp"=>{"name"=>"myapp", "uri"=>nil, "migrate"=>{"command"=>"rake db:migrate", "perform"=>false}, "repository_uri"=>"[email protected]:myaccount/myapp.git", "id"=>123, "domain_name"=>"_"}}
env.load_balancer_ip_address  # => ""

# if environment isn't booted
env.instances_count     # => 0
env.app_master          # => nil
env.instances.count     # => []

# if environment is booted
env.instances_count     # => 1
env.app_master.class    # => EY::CloudClient::Instance
env.instances.first.class # => EY::CloudClient::Instance

Create a new environment (for a given App):

app = EY::CloudClient::App.new(ey_api, {:id => 4212, :name => 'drnic'})
env = EY::CloudClient::Environment.create(ey_api,
  "app"                   => app,
  "name"                  => 'myapp_production',
  "app_server_stack_name" => 'nginx_thin',       # default: nginx_passenger3
  "region"                => 'us-west-1',        # default: us-east-1
  "framework_env"         => 'staging'           # default: production

Valid ‘app_server_stack_name` values: `nginx_unicorn, nginx_passenger3, nginx_nodejs, nginx_thin, nginx_puma`. For some your account may require an early access feature to be enabled.


instance = env.instances.first
instance.class        # => EY::CloudClient::Instance
instance.id           # => 12345
instance.role         # => "solo"
instance.status       # => "running"
instance.amazon_id    # => "i-abcdefg"
instance.hostname     # => "ec2-1-2-3-4.compute-1.amazonaws.com"
instance.public_hostname # => "ec2-1-2-3-4.compute-1.amazonaws.com" # alias of hostname


When $DEBUG is set, display debug information to the ui object using the #debug method. The API commands will print internal request information:

app = EY::CloudClient::App.create(ey_api, 'account' => account, 'name' => 'myapp2', 'repository_uri' => '[email protected]:myaccount/myapp2.git', 'app_type_id' => 'rails3')
       Token  YOURTOKEN
     Request  POST https://cloud.engineyard.com/api/v2/accounts/1234/apps
      Params  {"app"=>{"name"=>"myapp2", "app_type_id"=>"rails3", "repository_uri"=>"[email protected]:myaccount/myapp2.git"}}
   "repository_uri"=>"[email protected]:myaccount/myapp2.git",
   "account"=>{"name"=>"myaccount", "id"=>1234},