
Environment config loader backed by Redis.

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This is a simple tool in flavor of envdir from daemontools package. Instead of loading environment from directory, it loads it for redis hash specified in the central url. See examples section for details.


Install via rubygems:

$ gem install envred


Set some variables first:

$ envred -c localhost:6379/0 -a myapp set FOO 1 BAR 2 BAZ 3

The localhost:6379/0 is host, port and number of Redis database to load stuff from, and myapp is the key which keeps the data as hash.

Now you can run any application with environment loaded from Redis server:

$ envred -c localhost:6379/0 -a myapp wrap myapp --do something

To list all your variables use:

$ envred -c localhost:6379/0 -a myapp list

You can remove specific keys or purge all config:

$ envred -c localhost:6379/0 -a myapp unset FOO BAR
$ envred -c localhost:6379/0 -a myapp purge

Note! Instead of specifying central url all the time, you can store it in ENVRED_CENTRAL_URL env variable. Analogically, you can do the same with app name by providing ENVRED_APP_NAME:

$ export ENVRED_CENTRAL_URL=localhost:6379/0
$ export ENVRED_APP_NAME=myapp


If you wanna hack on the repo for some reason, first clone it, then run:

$ bundle install

Now you should be able to run tests:

$ rake


  1. Work on your changes in a feature branch.
  2. Make sure that tests are passing.
  3. Send a pull request.
  4. Wait for feedback.


Copyright (c) by Kris Kovalik <[email protected]>

Released under MIT License. Check LICENSE.txt for details.