EOD Historical Data API Library and Command Line

Gem Version Build Status Maintainability

This gem provides both a Ruby library and a command line interface for the EOD Historical Data data service.

This gem is not affiliated with EOD Historical Data.


$ gem install eod


  • Easy to use interface.
  • Use as a library or through the command line.
  • Access any EOD Historical Data endpoint and option directly, no need to learn anything other than the original API documentation.
  • Display output as JSON, YAML or CSV.
  • Save output to a file as JSON, YAML or CSV.
  • Includes a built in file cache, so you can avoid wasting API calls.
  • Lightweight.
  • Future proof. In case new endpoints are added to the API, they will immediately become available in the Ruby library (but not in the CLI).


First, require and initialize with your EOD API token:

require 'eod'
api_token = 'OeAFFmMliFG5orCUuwAKQ8l4WWFQ67YX'  # demo token
api = EOD::API.new api_token

Now, you can access any of the API endpoints with any optional parameter, like this:

result = api.get "eod", 'AAPL.US', period: 'm'

In addition, for convenience, you can use the first part of the endpoint as a method name, like this:

result = api.eod 'AAPL.US', period: 'm', from: '2022-01-01'

In other words, these calls are the same:

api.get 'endpoint', param: value
api.endpoint, param: value

as well as these two:

api.get 'endpoint/sub', param: value
api.endpoint 'sub', param: value

By default, you will get a ruby hash in return. If you wish to have more control over the response, use the get! method instead:

payload = api.get! 'eod', 'AAPL.US'

# Request Object
p payload.request.class
# => HTTParty::Request

# Response Object
p payload.response.class
# => Net::HTTPOK

p payload.response.body
# => JSON string

p payload.response.code
# => 200

p payload.response.msg
# => OK

# Headers Object
p payload.headers
# => Hash with headers

# Parsed Response Object
p payload.parsed_response
# => Hash with HTTParty parsed response 
#    (this is the content returned with #get)

You can get the response as CSV by calling get_csv:

result = api.get_csv "eod", 'AAPL.US'
# => CSV string

or, if you prefer, you can request a CSV from the API directly, by using the fmt argument:

result = api.eod 'AAPL.US', fmt: 'csv'
# => CSV string

To save the output directly to a file, use the save method:

api.save 'filename.json', 'eod/AAPL.US', period: 'm'

Or, to save CSV, use the save_csv method:

api.save_csv "filename.csv", "eod/AAPL.US", period: 'm'

Command Line Interface

The command line utility eod that is installed when installing the gem acts in a similar way. The main difference is that you provide any API query string argument using the key:value format.

First, set your API token in the environment variable EOD_API_TOKEN:


Now, you can run one of the many API commands, for example:

# Show monthly AAPL data in a pretty colorful output
$ eod data AAPL.US period:m

# Show monthly AAPL data in CSV format
$ eod data AAPL.US --format csv from:2022-01-01 period:m

# Saves a file
$ eod data AAPL.US --format csv --save aapl.csv from:2022-01-01 period:m

# Show live (delayed) data
# eod live AAPL.US

Run eod --help for the full list of usage patterns.

Supported endpoints

  • The Ruby library supports all current and future endpoints.
  • The CLI supports most (if not all) current endpoints. If you know of an endpoint that is not supported, please create an issue.


We are using the Lightly gem for automatic HTTP caching.

You can disable or customize it by either passing options on initialization, or by accessing the WebCache object directly at a later stage.

# Disable cache completely
api = EOD::API.new api_token,  use_cache: false

# Set different cache directory or lifetime
api = EOD::API.new api_token, cache_dir: 'data', cache_ilfe: '2h'

# Or configure cache after initializaation:

api = EOD::API.new api_token
api.cache.dir = 'tmp/cache'   # Change cache folder
api.cache.life = '30m'        # Change cache life to 30 minutes

To enable caching for the command line, simply set one or both of these environment variables:

$ export EOD_CACHE_DIR=cache   # default: 'cache'
$ export EOD_CACHE_LIFE=2h     # default: 3600 (1 hour)

To disable cache for the CLI, set EOD_CACHE_LIFE=off.

The cache life argument supports these formats:

  • 20s - 20 seconds
  • 10m - 10 minutes
  • 10h - 10 hours
  • 10d - 10 days

Full command line usage patterns

$ eod --help

EOD Historical Data API

  API Documentation:

  eod bond SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod bulk EXCHANGE [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod calendar CALENDAR [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod data SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod dividends SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod events [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod exchange EXCHANGE [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod exchanges [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod fundamental SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod fundamental_bulk SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod insider [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod intraday SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod live SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod macro COUNTRY [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod news [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod opts SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod screener [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod search QUERY [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod splits SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod symbols EXCHANGE [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod technical SYMBOL [options] [PARAMS...]
  eod (-h|--help|--version)

    Bond fundamental data (/bond-fundamentals)

    Historical EOD bulk data (/eod-bulk-last-day)

    Calendar data (earnings, trends, IPOs and splits) (/calendar)

    Historical EOD data (/eod)

    Dividends data (/div)

    Economic events data (/economic-events)

    Details about an exchange (/exchanges-details)

    List of exchanges (/exchanges-list)

    Fundamental data (/fundamentals)

    Bulk fundamental data (/bulk-fundamentals)

    Insider transactions data (/insider-transactions)

    Intraday data (/intraday)

    Live data (/real-time)

    Macroeconomics data (/macro-indicator)

    Financial news (/news)

    Options data (/options)

    Stock market screener (/screener)

    Search for stocks, ETFs, funds or indices (/search)

    Splits data (/splits)

    List of symbols for an exchange (/exchange-symbol-list)

    Technical data (/technical)

  -f --format FORMAT
    Output format: csv, json, yaml, pretty or url [default: pretty]

  -s --save PATH
    Save output to file

  -h --help
    Show this help

    Show version number

    Ticker symbol

    Calendar type: earnings, trends, ipos or splits

    Country code in the Alpha-3 ISO format

    Exchange code

    An optional list of query string parameters, separated by a space, to send
    with the request. Each parameter should be in the format of key:value.
    example: period:w from:2022-01-01

    See https://eodhistoricaldata.com/financial-apis/ for all supported params.

Environment Variables:
    Your EOD Historical Data API token [required]

    API cache diredctory [default: cache]

    API cache life. These formats are supported:
    off - No cache
    20s - 20 seconds
    10m - 10 minutes
    10h - 10 hours
    10d - 10 days

    Override the API URI [default: https://eodhistoricaldata.com/api]

  eod symbols NASDAQ
  eod data AAPL.US
  eod data AAPL.US --format csv period:m from:2022-01-01
  eod live AAPL.US -fyaml
  eod fundamental 'AAPL.US' filter:General
  eod technical AAPL.US function:sma
  eod macro USA indicator:inflation_consumer_prices_annual

Contributing / Support

If you experience any issue, have a question or a suggestion, or if you wish to contribute, feel free to open an issue.