
Error reporting services such as Bugsnag, Honeybadger, and Sentry are great, but they oftentimes leave us scratching our heads while developing locally. You're most likely not sending the errors in development environment, but the notifier caught it anyways, and now it's gone, poof, missing. Eras takes advantage of Rails 7.0's ActiveSupport::ErrorReporter, and adds an additional subscriber to Rails.error.

Because this hooks into ErrorReporter, you must be using the reporter API for tracking your errors. This may be a change to how you report errors, but both Sentry's and Honeybadger's libraries provide native subscribers that you can use, and writing a custom subscriber for other providers isn't too hard.






Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "eras", group: :development

And then execute:

$ bundle

mount the engine wherever you like (I prefer /eras)

# config/routes.rb
mount Eras::Engine => "/eras" if defined?(Eras::Engine) # We only require this in development


This gem is in active development, and delivered as-is.


You must run the tailwindcss server while developing, and commit any changes to app/assets/builds

rake app:tailwind_engine_watch

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.