
Generates error pages using layout, your favorite markup language, basic and url helpers or the other stuff you ever used in your templates. Out of the box Rails has default error pages, but they're hardly maintained because if you do a little change in one, you'll have to fix the others. With errgent you can make changes and regenerate all pages at once.


gem 'errgent'


I'm pretty sure error pages should be lighter than application layout. Running rake errgent will generate pages from layouts/error_page to public folder with names as error codes(by default we generate 500.html, 403.html, 404.html and 422.html). @code variable is available for you in the template. You can create and customize your own rake task: do |t| = [500, 404]
  t.source = 'layouts/your_own'
  t.destination = 'public/error_%{code}.html'

You can add generated pages to git index, and regenerate them on demand, or you can add require 'errgent/capistrano' to deploy.rb and it will build pages on server.


Errgent is released under the MIT License.