
Easy/elegant random variable library


ruby-erv is a library that enables to create objects representing random variables with a given probability distribution (gaussian, uniform, etc.) and to sample from them. ruby-erv was built from code that I extracted out of several scientific software I wrote for my research projects.

ruby-erv is designed to work on both YARV/MRI and JRuby. I have not tested it on Rubinius yet.


I have not released ruby-erv on RubyGems, yet. For the moment, if you want to try it just place this line:

ruby gem 'erv', git: ''

in your Gemfile and run:

bundle install

If using JRuby, you’ll also need to run:

rake get_latest_commons_math_snapshot

to fetch the latest version of Apache Commons Math 3.3-SNAPSHOT. See the implementation notes below for more information. (Note that the rake-based installation of Apache Commons Math 3.3-SNAPSHOT requires nokogiri.)


Here is a rather self-explanatory example demonstrating how to create random variables using ruby-erv, and how to sample from them:

```ruby require ‘erv’

gaussian_rv = :gaussian, mean: 10, sd: 2) s1 = gaussian_rv.sample ```

Implementation notes

In YARV/MRI, ruby-erv leverages the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) for random number generation according to the desired probability distribution. Unfortunately, ruby-gsl is unmaintained and broken. (See the patch that I sent them ages ago and that was never merged.) So, ruby-erv uses the gsl-nmatrix fork of ruby-gsl.

In JRuby, ruby-erv leverages the Apache Commons Math library to access the same random number generation functions. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing the Apache Commons Math maintainers have not shipped the 3.3 release yet. Commons Math 3.3 should include support for geometric distribution (that I need for several of my projects), thanks to a patch that I submitted and that was merged some time ago. So, for the moment ruby-env builds on top of the 3.3-SNAPSHOT version of Apache Commons Math.

To facilitate the installation of ruby-env under JRuby, I have decided to bundle the jar archive of Apache Commons Math 3.3-SNAPSHOT in (the jars directory of) the ruby-env gem package. This is a rather dirty but not uncommon approach, as many other gems (including the awesome Nokogiri) bundle external jar dependencies in their JRuby version. However, in future I might decide to switch to a more powerful, Maven-based automated installation of Apache Commons Math 3.3-SNAPSHOT. For instance, based on Christian Meier’s jar-dependencies.


I would like to thank Christian Meier for his very valuable suggestions on how to package this gem for JRuby. If you’re interested in building serious applications for JRuby, I strongly recommend you to check out Christian’s jbundler and jar-dependencies.
