
es-diag is a command line tool that evaluates your machine and setup, points out typical machine misconfiguration for Elastic Search, sniffs out health parameters from a running Elastic Search instance (not impl. yet), and recommends ways to amend it.

Getting Started

You need to have a recent Ruby on your system.

$ gem install es-diag
$ es-diag status
# should output a lot of useful data if your system
# isn't healthy. a list of things it checked otherwise.

Adding checks

es-diag will run a series of predefined checks. My hope is that you can add checks and submit pull requests very easily.

Writing a check is designed to be VERY easy, using a simple DSL. Lets take a look at an example:

# set the check title
title "ulimit set appropriately - avoid 'Too many open files'"

# specify actions to take to amend problems that can be detected
# by this check.
how_to """
    To raise the limit add to /etc/security/limits.conf the lines:

      elasticsearch soft nofile 32000
      elasticsearch hard nofile 32000

    If you still see the previous limit, run:

      $ egrep -r pam_limits /etc/pam.d/

    and check that all are not commented out.

    Now you can run to verify:

      $ bin/elasticsearch -f -Des.max-open-files=true
      [2011-04-05 04:12:02,687][INFO ][bootstrap] max_open_files [32000]

# Here, you have a property bag called 'data' that is 
# exposed via Opscode/ohai [here is a sample](
# If you want to sample your own system:
# $ gem install ohai
# $ ohai
# It is most probably that `data` will contain additional properties
# not originating from ohai in the future.
if data.ulimit['soft']['nofiles'] < 32_000
  warn "Increment your soft file limit (#{data.ulimit['soft']['nofiles']}) to 32000"
if data.ulimit['hard']['nofiles'] < 32_000
  warn "Increment your hard file limit (#{data.ulimit['hard']['nofiles']}) to 32000"

Next, put all of this in a file and drop it in the lib/checks folder. It will be picked up automatically.


Fork, implement, add tests, pull request, get my everlasting thanks and a respectable place here :).


Copyright (c) 2012 Dotan Nahum @jondot. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.