
Esnek provides a minimalistic Ruby interface for JSON APIs, such as ElasticSearch, Google APIs, Facebook Graph API.. Esnek is initially developed for ElasticSearch which is based on Lucene .


gem install esnek # In april-june 2011, under development so use "gem update" frequently.

Quick Start


To install ElasticSearch please follow the guides at To use esnek just instantiate Esnek with the base API URL.

require 'esnek'  
es ='http://localhost:9200')

Assuming Elastic Search is running at port 9200 on your localhost, the following code gets the state of the cluster:

#curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/state'

You may pass options as a hash parameter for each directory in your URL:

#curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/_search?q=user:kimchy
es.twitter.tweet._search(:q => 'good').get

For literals such as 1, use __1; esnek simply omits __ (2 underscores):

#curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1'

In order to post a JSON data simply pass a block (do…end) which returns a hash:

#curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/2 -d '{
# "user": "kimchy", "post_date": "2009-11-15T14:12:12", "message": "You know, for Search"
# }'
es.twitter.tweet.__2.put do
  {"user" => "alper", "post_date" => "2011-11-15T14:12:12", "message" => "For esnek"}

Google Translate API

require 'esnek'  
gapi ='')
gapi.language.translate.v2.get :q => "hello world", :source => :en, :target => :tr, :key => INSERT_YOUR_KEY

Google URL Shortener

require 'esnek'  
gapi ='')
res = {{:longUrl => ""}}
puts res.longUrl # Use res.table[:id] instead of, because id method already exist for Object

Facebook Graph API

require 'esnek'  
fb ='')
res = fb.send(:"").get

Notice that since “” is an invalid ruby method name, we use “send” to call it

puts res.shares


With Esnek you make a chained method call where each method is a directory in the URL for your target JSON API. You finish by appending a method for the HTTP verb; get, post, put or delete.

General Usage

require 'esnek'

Choose any JSON over HTTP API and identify the base url:

gapi ='')

Form a chained method call and make sure you end with get, post, put or delete.

gapi.language.translate.v2.get :q => "hello world", :source => :en, :target => :tr, :key => INSERT_YOUR_KEY

Any query string should be given as a hash parameter to any method in the method chain.

gapi.language.translate.v2(:key => INSERT_YOUR_KEY).get(:q => "hello world", :source => :en, :target => :tr)

If you face any portion of the URL which cannot be a valid Ruby method name, use send(:‘!1invalid_method’)

res = fb.send(:"").get

Alternatively you may prefix digits with double underscore __


If you append a block and the block returns a hash, the hash is converted into a JSON and posted as data.

es.twitter.tweet.__2.put do
  {"user" => "alper", "post_date" => "2011-11-15T14:12:12", "message" => "For esnek"}

Return Values

Esnek converts the returned JSON into an Ostruct object.

res.my_field # access as if it is an object's attrribute
res.table[:my_field]  # For field names such as "id", you may use the "table" attribute.

Notice that Ostruct converts only the first level hash keys into Ostruct object attributes. Consult your specific API documentation on how the return value is structured.


Esnek is based on Restclient, so some of the settings of Restclient apply to Esnek too. For example Esnek will use the proxy specified by RestClient.proxy:

RestClient.proxy = "" # or =ENV['http_proxy']


To enable logging the calls made to the API, you may set RestClient.log with a ruby Logger or set an environment variable to avoid modifying the code (in this case you can use a file name, “stdout” or “stderr”):

$ RESTCLIENT_LOG=stdout path/to/my/program
$ RESTCLIENT_LOG=stdout irb


Esnek was initially developed using Redcar under Ubuntu Linux 10.10.