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estorm-message-processor gem

Simple gem to use in rails apps for AMQP inclusion. Send a hash via AMQP and then have the message processor process the files. See the test pages. They key use cases for this are

  • When you want a back ground task to continually process messages (see test_estorm.rb for examples)
  • When you want to schedule a background task to periodically consume and process messages. (eg every 30 minutes perform the task see test_single.rb)

The second usage case allows you to use periodic jobs on heroku. Thus your costing is just for time taken to process all the messages. IN hte first case you need to pay for a dyno for a 24 hour period. The difference between the two usage patterns is a simple flag so it is convenient to start inexpensively and scale when needed.


pull in the normal files for ruby. Everytime a message is received with 'command' => "sendtemplates" delegated to that callback So add more delegate_routings and you will be able to handle multiple commands

Setup delegate processor

This is the callback processor in the consumer. Just define this in your script with the name of procedure like delegate_XXXXX

class EstormMessageProcessor::Consumer
def delegate_sendtemplates(cmdhash)
data.each { |entry| 
cc=CustomerContact.create_and_send_template(entry['email'],entry,p.configuration_setting,p) if entry!=nil and entry['email']!=nil           }

Start the Message Processor

config={:url => AMQPURL,:connecturlflag=> Rails.env.production? ,:queuename => CONTACT_MESSAGE, :blocking => true, :consumer_name => "test consumer"}
#puts "Starting SMS Gateway. Please check the log at #{LOGFILE}" 
puts "Starting Bunny Contact Processor on #{config.inspect} "  
mp =
mp.start(config)  # THIS MAY NEED TO BE IN a THREAD
rescue Exception => ex
puts "Exception in Message Processor: #{ex} at #{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}"

send a message using the client

Use the client to send a message to the delegate processor (background task). Note the command value set in the hash to the callback processor above. You can also see multiple sends in the test files. The hash can contain anything as long as the command is set to a delegate name. (Where the delegate name is built by joining delegate_ and the command name delegate_sendtemplates in this example)

def bunny_send
cmdhash={'command'=>'sendtemplates', 'promotion'=>}
puts "----> to system [x] sending  #{cmdhash.inspect}"

set the config[:exit_when_done] => true value if you want the task to exit.

This is useful if you have a back ground task that you want to run occasionally and just process the messages and exit. For example on heroku you can schedule a job to run every hour and it will process the messages and exit. This will keep the costs down for the background task on heroku. (Of course you need to ensure that the job time is shorter than the heroku scheduler time)

:prefetch_one => true

Use this if you want the message_processor to only grab one message a time. This way you can easily spin up several message processors