
This gem provides an easy way to manage transactions for Ethi'kdo card holders through the Ethi'kdo v1 REST API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ethikdo'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ethikdo



The gem needs to be configured with your private API key. To do so, execute:

rails generate ethikdo:install

This will generate a file named ethikdo.rb in config/initializers/ with the following content:

Ethikdo.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = ENV["ETHIKDO_API_KEY"]
  config.environment = Rails.env.production? ? :production : :development

Now, set up your private key as an environment variable in your .env file:


The gem can be configured for two environments: production and development. By default, the gem's environment is set to production if Rails is in production, else it is set to development.

In development, the requests are sent to a test API provided by Ethi'kdo. The test API's url is:

In production, the requests are sent to the real API:

Capture a paiement

The first step to capture a paiement is to obtain a capture token. This is done through the Ethikdo::Provision class and requires the card's number (16 digits) and card's secret key (3 digits):

provision = Ethikdo::Provision.create(
    card_number: card_number,
    card_crypto: card_crypto

If the card's credentials are correct, an Ethikdo::Provision object is returned:

# Ethikdo::Provision:0x0000555a80009698
 @capture_token = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
 @card_number = "1234123412341234",
 @card_value = 500000,
 @date_created = "2020-04-16T16:36:46.128007+02:00",
 @date_used = nil,
 @url = ""

Once you have obtained the capture token, you can now use the Ethikdo::Transaction class to capture the paiement:

transaction = Ethikdo::Transaction.create(
    capture_token: capture_token,
    amount_requested: order.total_price_cents,
    amount_purchased: order.total_price_cents,
    customer_email: nil

If the transaction succeeds, an Ethikdo::Transaction object is returned:

# Ethikdo::Transaction:0x0000555a82216f38
 @amount_debited = 100000,
 @amount_purchased = 100000,
 @cancelled = false,
 @card_number = "1234123412341234",
 @date = "2020-04-16T15:25:56.451488Z",
 @transaction_id = "1",
 @url = "" #/1 being the transaction id

Cancel a transaction

You can cancel a transaction through the Ethikdo::Transaction class:

Ethikdo::Transaction.cancel(transaction_id: transaction_id)

If the cancellation is successful, an Ethikdo::Transaction object is returned with a success message and the amount refunded:

# Ethikdo::Transaction:0x0000555a846ccb48
 @message = "La vente a bien été annulée et la carte a été recréditée de 1000,00€.",
 @refund_amount = 100000

List the provisions and transactions associated to your API key

List all the provisions:


Example of an Ethikdo::Provision object returned:

# Ethikdo::Provision:0x0000555a82909390
 @count = 1,
 @next = nil,
 @previous = nil,
 @results =

Similarly, list all the transactions:


Example of an Ethikdo::Transaction object returned:

# Ethikdo::Transaction:0x0000555a835d68c0
 @count = 1,
 @next = nil,
 @previous = nil,
 @results =


If a request returns an error (invalid card number, amount requested greater than card value, invalid capture token, etc.), an Ethikdo::Error is raised. This can be simply handled by a begin/rescue block:

    Ethikdo::transaction.cancel(transaction_id: 1)
rescue Ethikdo::Error => e


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Don't forget to add tests and run rspec before creating a pull request :)


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.