
Push & PR Gem Version

In memory cache which can limit the cache size by a maximum number by expiring the least used cached items.


Initiate a cache object. Optionally pass the max number of records as an argument:

cache = Evanescence.initialize_cache(max_size: 1000)

Write to cache: cache.write("key", value)

Read from cache: cache.read("key")

Delete from cache: cache.delete("key")

Delete the entire cache: cache.clear

Check the cache size: cache.count

In rails with activerecords:

Add gem "evanescence" to your gemfile.

In your ApplicationRecord:

require "evanescence/cacheable"

class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Evanescence::Cacheable

In your model class:

class Article < ApplicationRecord
    caches by: :id, max_size: 1000

In your controller:


Next steps

Expire the cache after given time.

Enhance the API.