
This gem is a high level wrapper around Evernote's Thrift-generated ruby code. It bundles up Evernote's thrift-generated code and creates some simple wrapper classes.


Create a config yml:

  username: user
  password: password
  consumer_key: key
  consumer_secret: secret

  username: user
  password: password
  consumer_key: key
  consumer_secret: secret

Here's an example using the sandbox key:

require 'evernote'

user_store_url = "https://sandbox.evernote.com/edam/user"
config = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/config.yml"
user_store = Evernote::UserStore.new(user_store_url, config, "sandbox")

auth_result = user_store.authenticate
user = auth_result.user
auth_token = auth_result.authenticationToken
puts "Authentication was successful for #{user.username}"
puts "Authentication token = #{auth_token}"

Once you've authenticated, you could do something like list all of your notebooks:

note_store_url = "http://sandbox.evernote.com/edam/note/#{user.shardId}"
note_store = Evernote::NoteStore.new(note_store_url)

notebooks = note_store.listNotebooks(auth_token)
puts "Found #{notebooks.size} notebooks:"
default_notebook = notebooks[0]
notebooks.each { |notebook| puts "  * #{notebook.name}"}

The evernote API can be viewed at http://www.evernote.com/about/developer/api/ref/

If the vendored code is out of date and you get an error indicating so, feel free to create an issue at http://github.com/cgs/evernote/issues

Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Sepic. See LICENSE for details.