Experian Address Validation

Ruby wrapper for Experian Address Validation REST API


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'experian_address_validation'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install experian_address_validation


Configure client

For using this Gem in a Rails app. Add the following code as an initializer

  ExperianAddressValidation::Client do |config|
    config.auth_token = ENV["AUTH_TOKEN"]
    config.base_url = ENV["BASE_URL"]
    config.iso_code = ENV["ISO_CODE"]

You can provide default iso_code through a config variable or you can send as a payload option to search endpoint.

Experian Address Validation API Reference



Search Address

ExperianAddressValidation::Operations::Search.new(payload: {
  query: 'BN1 2NW', country_iso: 'GBR'}

The call to above operation will return response in the following structure.

body - containing hash with the following data

  result: {
    more_results_available: true,
    confidence: "Verified match",
    suggestions: [
        global_address_key: "aWQ9ZWUwMzhjYzAtY2IxZi00MDRiLTTlfVTQwXzI0XzBfMF8",
        text: "Mail Boxes Etc, 91 Western Road, Brighton, BN1 2NW",
        format: "https://localhost/capture/address/v3/format/aWQ9ZWUwMzhjYzAtY2IxZi00MDRiLTTlfVTQwXzI0XzBfMF8"

code - Status code e.g 200

Address Search endpoint: https://api.experianaperture.io/address/search/v1

Format Address

  global_address_key: 'aWQ9ZWUwMzhjYzAtY2IxZi00MDRiL...'

Add-Metadata and Add-Components headers are default set to true in Format call. However you can override them by passing headers hash as an option to the Format endpoint.

headers:  { Add-Metadata: false, Add-Components: false }

code - Status code e.g 200

The call to above operation will return response in the following structure.

    result: {
        global_address_key: "aWQ9ZWUwMzhjYzAtY2IxZi00MDRiL...",
        confidence: "Verified match",
        address: {
            address_line_1: "Mail Boxes Etc",
            address_line_2: "91 Western Road",
            address_line_3: "",
            locality: "BRIGHTON",
            region: "",
            postal_code: "BN1 2NW",
            country: "UNITED KINGDOM"
        components: {
            language: "en-GB",
            country_name: "United Kingdom",
            country_iso_3: "GBR",
            postal_code: {
                full_name: "BN1 2NW",
                primary: "BN1 2NW"
            building: {
                building_number: "91"
            organization: {
                company_name: "Mail Boxes Etc"
            street: {
                full_name: "Western Road",
                name: "Western",
                type: "Road"
            locality: {
                town: {
                    name: "Brighton"
    "metadata": {
        "address_info": {
            "identifier": {
                "udprn": "123123"

Address Format endpoint: https://api.experianaperture.io/address/format/v1/#global_address_key

Running specs

To run the specs, add your development credentials to your dev env.test file:
