Exportr: An environment manager for Ruby development


Exportr is a simple environment variable manager for Ruby development. It reads key-value pairs from a yaml file and merges these pairs into Ruby's ENV hash when you require 'exportr'.

The yaml file must be in one of Exportr's predefined locations. The paths are relative to the present working directory of the Ruby process. (The list will grow as Exportr is tested in various frameworks.)


Basic Usage

Install the gem.

$ gem install exportr

Create an exportr.yml file in one of the predefined locations.

Require the gem.

require 'exportr'


Exportr comes with a rails generator that will create config/exportr.yml and add it to your .gitignore file.

Add the gem to your Gemfile

group :development do
  gem 'exportr'

Run bundle install.

$ bundle install

Start your app server.

$ rails server


You will need to restart your server/ruby process after changing the yaml file. You can optionally manually load additions to the yaml file by calling Exportr.export.