
Intention for this gem is to follow step by step how to create the very gem from the scratch. It will add one method to standard String class. I intend to put some tests, release couple of versions, and so on…


Install Rails

I do prefer using rvm for this task, but it can be done as it is. If you know how to use rvm, then you will not need any guidance.

gem install rails --no-ri --no-rdoc
gem install jeweler

Currently I’m working on version 3.0.1

Configure Git

You need to configure some git settings, before you use jeweler to create first gem.

git config --global github.user m4risU
git config --global github.token 227addfh048cgfbbda2060dc8e9233a6

Don’t worry, this is not my key, but you have to use yours. Probably you will find it in here:

https://github.com/account in Account Admin

Generate the gem project

jeveler enhanced_string

Good. We are here! What can we do next?

Rake tasks

As I already know, rake tasks will be the key to build the gem. so lets try

rake -T

It will give the following

rake build                           # Build gem
rake check_dependencies              # Check that runtime and development d...
rake check_dependencies:development  # Check that development dependencies ...
rake check_dependencies:runtime      # Check that runtime dependencies are ...
rake clobber_rdoc                    # Remove rdoc products
rake gemcutter:release               # Release gem to Gemcutter
rake gemspec                         # Generate and validates gemspec
rake gemspec:debug                   # Display the gemspec for debugging pu...
rake gemspec:generate                # Generates the gemspec, using version...
rake gemspec:validate                # Validates the gemspec
rake git:release                     # Tag a release in Git
rake github:release                  # Release Gem to GitHub
rake install                         # Install gem using sudo
rake rdoc                            # Build the rdoc HTML Files
rake release                         # Release gem
rake rerdoc                          # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files
rake test                            # Run tests
rake version                         # Displays the current version
rake version:bump:major              # Bump the gemspec by a major version.
rake version:bump:minor              # Bump the gemspec by a minor version.
rake version:bump:patch              # Bump the gemspec by a patch version.
rake version:write                   # Writes out an explicit version.

Install the gem locally

To do this we need to write the very first version.

rake version:write MAJOR=0 MINOR=1 PATCH=0

and after that

rake install

First issues

After previous line I run into following problem:

"FIXME" or "TODO" is not a description

Oh, yes! I didn’t look carefully on Rakefile file.

There was auot generated line:

s.description = %q{TODO: longer description of your gem}

You know how to fix it I hope :)

RVM and system rubies

When using rvm, it is enough, but in other cases, it is possible you will need to use

sudo rake install

Just remember about that.

I’m ready!

You want to get the world amazed with your work? Try this!

rake release

Project do not exist yet on github?

Ok, How to start with it? I simply went to my git account and created project extended_string, then From command line after commits to local repo

git push origin master

Account on Rubygems.com

You will be asked to create account on Rubygems.com nothing hard really. Confirm an account with the email, and when you release you will be able to provide credentials to your account

Bumping versions

I found it usefull, since You do not want to do it manually. Do it often, keep sanity :)

rake versions:bump:patch

0.1.2 => 0.1.3

rake versions:bump:minor

0.1.2 => 0.2.2

rake versions:bump:major

0.1.2 => 1.1.2

Test my work with rvm

rvm install ree
rvm --create ree@foo

I will not worry about this gemset, but I want to check if I can install my gem from gems.

I got after following

gem install extended_string
ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'extended_string' (>= 0) in any repository



Instalation notes

Rails 3.0

in your Gemfile

gem "extended_string"


“string”.leet will give you “57ring”

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)

  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright © 2010 Mariusz Wyrozębski. See LICENSE for details.