Extrarange: enhancing the Ruby range experience.


The SparseRange class lets you easily collect many ranges into one. It accepts individual values (3, 4, 5) as well as ranges (2..3000) and will fold them together to efficiently work with them as a single set of ranges.

Once you have inserted your values and ranges, you can perform logic operations such as union and intersection. This is particularly useful for finding overlapping time spans.

I took care to allow for non-sequential ranges, such as ranges of floats, to work with this class. Non-sequential ranges are ranges for data types that don't have a succ method.

The class aims at being a drop-in replacement of a standard range; it exposes the very same interface of the builtin ruby range. There're currently some caveats, check them below.


Require and include the module

require 'extrarange'
include ExtraRange

Initialize a range with gaps, the order doesn't matter, and overlapping values are folded together:

extrarange = SparseRange.new 55...900, 1..34, 22, 23

Add values to a range with gaps:

extrarange << 0.4
extrarange.add(Time.now...(Time.now + 5000))

Delete values from a range with gaps:

extrarange.delete(Date.today - 15)

Fast calculation of the size of a range with gaps:


Use logic operations on a range with gaps:

# returns a range with gaps of all overlapping ranges
extrarange_one & extrarange_two
extrarange & ((Date.today - 30)..Date.today)

# returns a range with gaps of all ranges combined
extrarange_one | extrarange_two

I created this class in order to simplify the calculation of billing periods in a rails project that uses a audit table:

require 'extrarange'
include ExtraRange

def get_premium_time_spans
  premium_time_spans = SparseRange.new

  # Get all events from an audit table, i.e. every time a customer toggles
  # the premium flag on their account.
  premium_toggles = Customer.audits.premium_column

  # We only care when premium was on, so eat the first event if it was a
  # toggle to a non-premium account.
  premium_toggles.shift unless premium_toggles.first.value

  premium_toggles.each_slice(2) do |toggle_pair|
    # If we only got one element in the slice then inject a fake toggle
    # at the end of the span
    span_end = toggle_pair[1] ? toggle_pair[1].created_at : Time.now



premium_time_spans = get_premium_time_spans

# Calculate how long the customer had a premium account in January
january = Time.local(2010, 1, 1)...Time.local(2010, 2, 1)
puts "January Premium: #{(premium_time_spans & january).size} seconds"

# Calculate how long the customer had a premium account during the two last
# service outages
disk_recovery = Time.local(2009, 12, 24, 15, 30)..Time.local(2009, 12, 24, 16)
net_outage = Time.local(2010, 2, 1, 12, 15)..Time.local(2010, 2, 2, 2, 30)
outages = SparseRange.new disk_recovery, net_outage

puts "Outage Premium: #{(premium_time_spans & outages).size} seconds"


  • SparseRange is currently mutable. Be careful whenever using it as an hash key as it may produce unexpected results.
  • If any range within the sparse range doesn't support min/max (e.g. reverse ranges like 3..1), then the sparse range won't support them as well. I hope to fix such behaviour in a future version.
  • cover? is unoptimized and may take a lot of time in large sparse ranges.


This is a fork of the range_with_gaps gem by Timothy Elliott.


  • Create an immutable version of SparseRange
  • Create another edition of Ruby builtin range, supporting an optional external succ/comparator/whatever we may need to build an arbitrary range
  • Create things like cyclic ranges, etc.