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Fakes system commands. Intended for use in tests. If your code relies on system commands and perhaps verifies their exit status, you may not want to rely on the OS to be able to run your tests. Especially so if these commands have side effects or take a long time to run. Originally inspired by FakeFS.


module Users
  def self.count
    c = %x(users).split.size
    c if $?.exitstatus == 0

class UsersTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def setup

  def test_count_success
    FakeCmd.add :users, 0, "a b c"
    assert_equal 3, FakeCmd { Users.count }
    assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus

  def test_count_failure
    FakeCmd.add :users, 1
    assert_nil FakeCmd { Users.count }
    assert_equal 1, $?.exitstatus
  • FakeCmd.clear! clears the current collection of faked commands, if any.

  • FakeCmd.add :users, 0, "a b c" fakes the users command, defines its exit status to be 0, and its output to be a b c. :users could have been a string or regular expression as well; internally, everything is a regular expression.

  • FakeCmd { Users.count } calls Users.count in the faked environment. You can also use FakeCmd.on! and FakeCmd.off! to turn it on and off, respectively. No system command using the backtick or %x notation will be executed in the block or between .on! and .off!. system "" will be executed if the command is not found in the collection.

  • $?.exitstatus reflects the exit status given to .add.

Keep in mind that only the following calls will be faked:



gem install fakecmd