Fasta Utility

This is a pretty simple Thor application for performing a number of common tasks on fasta files.

So far, supported actions are:

fasta_util lengths

Calculates basic statistics on the lengths of the entries in the file.

fasta_util filter

Applies a variety of filter types to the entries in a fasta file.

fasta_util clean

Reformats each entry, wrapping long lines

fasta_util sort

Sorts the entries in a fasta file according to length.

Detailed help on each of the options can be accessed with

fasta_util help COMMAND


$ fasta_util help filter

  fasta_util filter FILENAME [options]

  -l, [--length-cutoff=N]            # Only entries with length >= cutoff will be returned.
                                     # Default: 0
  -v, [--inverse-match]              # Return the inverse of the match after all the other filters have been applied.
  -d, [--defline-grep=DEFLINE_GREP]  # A regular expression, used to search the entry's definition line.

  Impose a filter or set of filters on entries in a fasta file where each sequence in the file has to pass all of the filters to be printed.

Copyright © 2011 Robert Syme. MIT Licence. See LICENSE.txt for further details.