

Feedisco is a small and lightweight library focused on RSS/Atom feed discovery. It is intended to do little, but to do it well!

Use case(s)

  • I want to find the URLs of a RSS/Atom feeds for my users' blogs
  • I want to check that an user-supplied URL is truly a RSS/Atom feed URL
  • I want to let my user choose from a list of discovered RSS/Atom feeds when he entered his website URL
  • Probably more...

The methods


How to start

Install it with Rubygems

$ gem install feedisco
$ irb

irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
=> true
irb(main):001:0> require 'feedisco'
=> true

...or clone it from GitHub

$ git clone https://github.com/rchampourlier/feedisco
$ cd feedisco
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec script/console

Nota Bene:

  • script/console is a small script available in the repo that loads an IRB/Pry console with Feedisco preloaded, so it's ready to use! (feel like rails console)


irb(main):001:0> Feedisco.find('rchampourlier.com')
=> ["http://feeds.rchampourlier.com/rchampourlier"]

irb(main):002:0> Feedisco.find('google.com')
=> []

irb(main):003:0> Feedisco.feed?('google.com')
=> false

irb(main):007:0> Feedisco.feed?('feeds.rchampourlier.com/rchampourlier')
=> true

irb(main):010:0> puts Feedisco.find('http://edition.cnn.com/services/rss/')
[and a lot more...]


Add this to your Gemfile (the gem is not published to Rubygems until it is good enough, so tell me when you think it should!):

gem 'feedisco', :git => 'https://github.com/rchampourlier/feedisco', :ref => 'master'

Or just clone it and do whatever you want:

$ git clone http://github.com/rchampourlier/feedisco

Why should you use it?

  • Well, because you need to discover feeds URL from a given URL, and nothing more!
  • Because you wan't it to be simple, with clean-code you can correct, complete, update, test, if you need it.
  • Because you just need to add a line to your Gemfile to use it.
  • Because it should still follow modern feed filename conventions (like those ones used by WordPress blogs, or Blogger, etc) - that's the part taken from Feedbag!

Why did I build it?

  • Because I wanted a simple and lightweight library to discover RSS/Atom feeds.
  • Because Feedbag was using Hpricot, and I was more Nokogiri.
  • Because I wanted something with a little more tests than Feedbag.

Bugs, issues, contributions

You can use the GitHub repo for all this, so don't hesitate!

Contribute by forking, tweaking, and sending pull requests, but please add the appropriate tests!



  • Corrected bug causing some links to appear several times in the result.


  • Supports StringIO as a return from the open-uri open method (which is returned instead of a Tempfile when the content is smaller than a given size - 10KB).


  • Completed Rakefile
  • Changed a method from private to public, specs are green again


  • Initial release


Romain Champourlier

This is free software. See LICENSE for more information.


David Moreno for Feedbag which I used before writing Feedisco. Plus Feedisco is more than inspired from Feedbag, even if I almost rewrote everything to make (to my sense) more Ruby-way, readable, and in particular more tested.