Checks Tests

Fera Rails App Gem

This gem includes some standard functionality and design patterns for Fera apps. It makes it easier to develop a Fera app that looks and feels consistent with Fera's other UIs.


The best way to use this app is to checkout the Fera Rails App Template.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

To contribute to the repository:

Starting a contribution

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Clone the forked repository locally.
  3. Create a branch descriptive of your work. For example "my_new_feature_xyz".

Submitting your contribution.

  1. Run ./bin/check_code and fix any issues.
    1. You can use ./bin/check_code -a to auto-fix issues safely.
    2. You can use ./bin/add_to_dictionary to add words to the spelling checker dictionary.
  2. When you're done work, push up that branch to your own forked repository (not the main one).
  3. Visit and you'll see an option to create a pull request from your forked branch to the master.
  4. Create a pull request by filling out the pull request template.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.