
Author: Sean O’Halpin

A simple FFI wrapper for the C library setlocale and localeconv functions.

You would typically use this to enable correct UTF-8 processing in an MRI Ruby 1.8.x script that makes low level widechar function calls via a C extension or FFI wrapper.

The setlocale call is not needed in 1.9.x or any version of JRuby.

See the documentation for setlocale and localeconv for usage.

See FFI::Locale::LocaleConv for the information returned by FFI::Locale#localeconv.

See man setlocale, man localeconv and man 7 locale for details.


You should call setlocale before calling localeconv otherwise you’ll get random values in the FFI::Locale::LocaleConv structure.

if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
  require 'ffi-locale'
  FFI::Locale.setlocale(FFI::Locale::LC_ALL, "")

locale = FFI::Locale.localeconv
p locale.currency_symbol          # => '£' for en_GB.UTF-8