
Ruby gem to provide an easy interface to Request Tracker Installation.


Install the gem using this commands

gem install fiddler

or you can include it in your Gemfile.

gem 'fiddler'


For a Rails app, create an initializer files and for any other app, include this before using the gem.

   Fiddler.configure do |config|
      config.server_url = "request_tracker_url"
      config.username = "some_user"
      config.password = "some_password"

You can modify the settings on the fly as well using Fiddler.configuration variable.


Fiddler saves the attachments object in a folder specified by Fiddler.configuration.attachments_path. This is relative to the rails root.

Using Cookies

Make sure you have RT-External-Auth configured properly to use cookies with Request Tracker. Once that part has been done, change the config file to the following format.

   Fiddler.configure do |config|
      config.server_url = "request_tracker_url"
      config.use_cookies = true
      config.cookie_domain = ".domainname"
      config.request_tracker_key = "loginCookieValue"

Once the configuration is done, cookie value can be set using Fiddler.configuration.cookie_value method (appropriate place for that would be somewhere like ApplicationController where it can set dynamically).

Debugging Response

You can set the config option Fiddler.configuration.debug_response to true to start debugging the responses from RT. If using in rails, it will log to the current environment log otherwise print it to the stdout.

SSL Verification

SSL certificate verification can be turned off by using Fiddler.configuration.ssl_verify option. This is very helpful in jruby implementations where ssl is bit of a pain.

Supported Versions of Request Tracker

  • 4.0.4


Do you what-ever you can with this product license.