
Allows to flat an object (ActiveRecord based) into one single level, so creating a form for the object becomes really simple. See usage for more details, or create an issue.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'flattener'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install flattener


Say you have something like this:

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :address

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ... Attributes here

You could do something like this:

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base

  include Flattener

  has_one :address

  flat :address do
    attribute :address_line_1
    attribute :address_line_2
    attribute :city
    attribute :state
    attribute :country


and use it like this:

customer = Customer.new address_line_1: "Av. Santa Fe 1234", country: "Argentina"

Pretty simple. It support all the basic AR methods, like valid?, save or create.

I know what you think. "I can do that with a simple delegate call". Indeed, but you can also do this:

class Payment < ActiveRecord::Base

  include Flattener

  has_one :payment_profile

  flat :payment_profile do
    attributes :credit_card, :expiration_date
    flat :address, build: proc { proxy_payment_profile.build_address } do
      attribute :address_line_1
      attribute :address_line_2



And this way getting something really simple:

payment = Payment.new amount: "23.00", payment_profile_credit_card: "XXXXXXXXXX", expiration_date: "2011/12", 
  payment_profile_address_line_1: "Av. Mongo 1234"

payment.payment_profile_address_line_1 #=> "Av. Mongo 1234"
# and so on. 

# supose you have a validation on Address#address_line_2
payment.valid? #=> false
payment.errors[:payment_profile_address_line_1] #=> ".... is required, blah..."

Prefix is optional, and changeable:

class Payment < ActiveRecord::Base

  include Flattener

  has_one :payment_profile

  flat :payment_profile, prefix: "pp" do
    attributes :credit_card, :expiration_date

payment = Payment.new
payment.pp_credit_card = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
payment.pp_credit_card # => "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

You can use this also as a presenter (or something like that):

class PaymentBuilder < Flattener::Base

  attr_accessor :payment_profile

  flat :payment_profile, 
    prefix: "", 
    build: proc { self.payment_profile = PaymentProfile.new } do
      attributes :credit_card, :expiration_date

payment = PaymentBuilder.new :credit_card => "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
payment.credit_card # => "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

You wonder why is this useful? May be you have something really complex on your app, but you want to expose it (to the view) in a simpler way, and only allowing some properties.

So what is this gem doing?

  • It builds the flattened objects automatically, or the way you want (configuration option).
  • It overwrites the AR methods in order to call the flattened methods before, so the right validation errors appear in place.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request