Provides a Gemified wrapper for the FlexSDK, for building Flex applications in other projects.
Note: This Gem does not provide or redistribute the actual Flex SDK, only a way to download it and build against it in other projects.
Gem can be downloaded from RubyGems.org: https://rubygems.org/gems/flex-sdk
This gem is (or at least should be) included in a Gemfile for the project that requires the Flex SDK.
The Flex Project's Gemfile should have a line something like this:
gem "flex-sdk"
It could also probably be put in a "build" group. This would mean that Rails won't attempt to load it during normal operation, only during Rake tasks. Like this:
group :build do
gem "flex-sdk"
Usage in Ruby
require 'flex-sdk'
flexsdk = FlexSDK.new
config = flexsdk.config
=> "/Volumes/Data/git/flex-sdk/vendor/flex_sdk_3.5.0.12683"
=> "Downloading SDK"
=> "From: http://fpdownload.adobe.com/pub/flex/sdk/builds/flex3/flex_sdk_3.5.0.12683.zip"
=> "To: /Volumes/Data/git/flex-sdk/vendor/flex_sdk_3.5.0.12683.zip"
=> "Unzipping SDK"
=> "From: /Volumes/Data/git/flex-sdk/vendor/flex_sdk_3.5.0.12683.zip"
=> "To: /Volumes/Data/git/flex-sdk/vendor/flex_sdk_3.5.0.12683/"
Usage in Bash
To download and unzip the Flex SDK from Adobe site, into vendor/ in this Gem
bundle exec flex-sdk-prime
Report the installation path of the Flex SDK
bundle exec flex-sdk-path
Upgrading the SDK version used in this Gem
Edit config.yml and update the version number. Make sure that this is a valid version on the Adobe website. e.g:
sdk_ver: ""
Bump the version of this gem
rake version:bump:minor
rake release
Once the SDK is downloaded, unzipped and copied in, this project (flex-sdk) has a method to do the copylocale thing.
In Ruby:
In Bash:
bundle exec flex-sdk-copylocale
In the old money, this is the same as doing:
(Old way) bin/copylocale en_US en_NZ