- Flex e-Genial Scaffold :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Este scaffold vai te ajudar a dar um ponta-p? inicial no mundo Ruby on Rails, ele leva junto algo que vai fazer a diferen?a, gra?as a Web 2.0 aplica??es RIA esta em alta e se voc? instalou o Flex e-Genial Scaffold ou ? porque j? entende do assunto ou esta querendo fazer a diferen?a em suas aplica??es, ent?o seja bem vindo, ao mundo da produtividade !!!
Abaixo segue alguns pontos que devem ser levados ao p? da letra para o devido funcionamento do Flex e-Genial Scaffold:
1? - A primeira vez que vocc? rodar
rails sua_aplica??o cd sua_aplica??o sua_aplica??o>ruby script/generate flex_egenial_scaffold Tabela(singular) Ser? criado um arquivo chamado comp.rake dentro da pasta lib/tasks da sua aplica??o, edite este arquivo. O primeiro passo ? mostrar o caminho de onde voc? instalou ou extraiu o flex SDK no exemplo estar?: home = "F:/FAMILIA_ADOBE/FLEX_SDK_2" Troque ent?o para: home = "Caminho/de/onde/esta/a/instala??oo/do/Flex/SDK" Observa??o: Lembrando que para compilar os fontes .mxml das aplica??es geradas pelo Flex SDK ? preciso ter instalado o JVM da Sun, e configurado as variaveis de ambiente corretamente, porque ao rodar ele ir? realizar a seguinte tarefa quando voc? fizer: sua_aplica??o>rake comp:flex arq=Model [ Tarefa realizada ] java -jar ../lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config ../frameworks/flex-config.xml -file-specs public/sis/tabela/tabela.mxml
2? - Como vamos usar o proprio compilador java do Flex, precisamos fazer a seguinte mudan?a
Dentro da pasta Caminho/de/onde/esta/a/instala??o/do/Flex/SDK/frameworks Existe um arquivo chamado flex-config.xml encontre as linhas abaixo, e deixe descomentado conforme abaixo
<!-- File containing cached system font licensing information
produced via java -cp mxmlc.jar flex2.tools.FontsSnapshot (fontpath) Will default to winFonts.ser on Windows XP and macFonts.ser on Mac OS X, so is commented out by default. --> <local-fonts-snapshot>localFonts.ser</local-fonts-snapshot>
3? - Agora se voc? j? tem tudo acertado com o os dois simples passos acima, e j? criou seu primeiro scaffold com o flex_egenial_scaffold ? hora de
colocar o touro para pular, agora fa?a: sua_aplica??o>rake comp:flex arq=Model Ele ir? criar o arquivo tabela.swf dentro de public/sis/tabela/ Levante o servidor da aplica??o e acesse http://localhost:porta/sis/tabela Bem vindo ao mundo Web 2.0 de aplica??es RIA com desenvolvimento produtivo e criativo ;-) Qualquer d?vida, bugs ou melhoria envie um email para [email protected] Boa sorte e grande abra?o. ---- Flex e-Genial Scaffold ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This scaffold will help you enter in the Ruby on Rail world, it has something that's make difference. Due Web 2.0, RIA applications are in the mainstream and if you installed the Flex e-Genial Scaffold that's because you know it or you are trying to make your applications better. Welcome to the world of productivity!!!
Bellow are instructions to make Flex e-Genial Scaffold works as expected:
1st - First time you run:
rails your_application cd your_application your_application> ruby script/generate flex_egenial_scaffold Table(singular) That creates a file called "comp.rake" in your application forlder inside "lib/tasks". You need to edit this file. First, point to Flex SDK path. The file has the following example: home = "F:/FAMILIA_ADOBE/FLEX_SDK_2" Change it to: home = "path/where/you/installed/Flex/SDK" To compile the .mxml source code generated by Flex SDK you need the Sun JVM installed and its environment variables configured. That's because, when you run: your_application> rake comp:flex arq=Model It will do: java -jar ../lib/mxmlc.jar -load-config ../frameworks/flex-config.xml -file-specs public/sis/table/table.mxml
2nd - We are going to use the Flex java compiler. To do so, we need the following change:
Inside the folder "path/where/you/installed/Flex/SDK/frameworks" there is a file "flex-config.xml". Find the lines bellow on it and remove the comment marks as indicated: <!-- File containing cached system font licensing information produced via java -cp mxmlc.jar flex2.tools.FontsSnapshot (fontpath) Will default to winFonts.ser on Windows XP and macFonts.ser on Mac OS X, so is commented out by default. --> <local-fonts-snapshot>localFonts.ser</local-fonts-snapshot>
3rd - Now that you did the steps above and you have your first sccafold created with flex_egenial_scaffold, it's time
to compile it. your_application> rake comp:flex arq=Model It will create the file table.swf inside the public/sis/table/ folder Start the web server and go to http://localhost:port/sis/table
Welcome to the world of Web 2.0 of RIA applications with creative and productive development!
Any questions, bugs or improvements, please send an e-mail to [email protected]
Good luck and a big hug.