flexmls Gems

Library and rake tasks for gem management


Moving from tools like Jeweler and Hoe that manage gemspecs in some abstracted manner that requires constant regeneration, this project relies on gems using "the Bundler way" of gemspec driven gem development, but adds some of the nice other tools that Jeweler provides to dry up Rakefiles. This project is so dry, it uses itself to build itself!


gem install flexmls_gems

Usage Examples


# Default gem tasks
require 'flexmls_gems/tasks'
# Enable rspec test tasks
require 'flexmls_gems/tasks/spec'
# Enable rdoc tasks
require 'flexmls_gems/tasks/rdoc'

TODO (and warning)

This project is just getting started, and is predominantly focused on solving my immediate gem pain points. Use at your own risk. I would love to make the library more pluggable (like hoe) to extract any non generic code, but for the time being it will all be stuffed into one gem.