fluent-plugin-diskfree, a plugin for Fluentd


What is this

fluent-plugin-diskfree is a fluentd input plugin for getting disk usage information.


fluent-plugin-diskfree fluentd ruby
>= 0.1.0 >= v1.3, < v2.0 >= 2.6.6

How to Install

Adding the line to install from Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-diskfree'

execute command gem install:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-diskfree

td-agent has its own Ruby ecosystem. If you have installed td-agent, you would use gem command included with td-agent.

$ sudo /path/to/fluent/ruby/bin/gem isntall fluent-plugin-diskfree


    @type diskfree
    option -k                # linux df command option
    refresh_interval 5       # execute refresh interval in seconds
    mounted_path /           # path to check disk usage
    trim_percent true        # trim percent from result
    replace_separator true   # replace separator of result mount_path to '_'
    tag_prefix diskfree      # tag prefix


name type default value description
option string -k linux df command option
refresh_interval integer 5 execute refresh interval in seconds
mounted_path string / path to check disk usage
trim_percent bool true trim percent from result
replace_separator bool true replace separator of result mount_path to '_'
tag_prefix string diskfree tag prefix

How To Test

They can testing by using rspec and fluent-plugin-testing.

RSpec Test

$ bundle exec rspec

Ruby Linter Test(rubocop)

$ bundle exec rubocop

Ruby Linter Test(rubocop - auto correct)

$ bundle exec rubocop --auto-correct

Operation Verification

They can using Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml to verify the operation of the plugin.

$ docker-compose run fluentd ash

In the fluentd container, execute command below:

/ $ fluentd -c /fluentd/etc/fluent.conf -p /fluentd/plugin

※ These files are hot-loaded since fluent.conf and the plugin folder are volume mounted by docker-compose.

Legal Notification

Copyright (c) 2021 h.nomura


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Fluent::Plugin::DiskFree project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.