
Fluentd output plugin for XMPP(jabber) protocol.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-jabber'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-jabber


See source for details.

Fluentd config

<match ...>
  type jabber

  # Pit( https://github.com/cho45/pit ) ID for user account information.
  # Need 'jid' and 'password' field.
  pit_id jabber

  # Or, put JID/password directly(exclusive for pit_id)
  jid [email protected]
  password pa55w0rd

  # Output target JID. Currently multi user chat only.
  # NOTE: Group chat could'nt accept nickname that already in used.
  # It cause "conflict: That nickname is registered by another person" error.
  # To prevent it, specify unique nickname per plugin definition.
  room [email protected]/unique_nickname

  # Required, plain text message format.
  format Hello!\n${user.name} # ${user.name} replaced with record['user']['name']

  # Optional, XHTML message format.
  # NOTE: Use '\{sharp}' instead of '#' due to fluentd treat '#' to 'Begin of comment'
  xhtml_format <span style="color:\{sharp}FF0000">Hello!<strong>${user.name}</strong></span>

  # Enable detailed log of XMPP4R
  jabber_debug_log true
  jabber_warnings_log true


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request



  • Add filter: uri_component


  • Add filter: br
  • Fix xhtml message building
  • Fix xhtml message encoding error


  • Add xhtml_format option


  • Fix Encoding::CompatibilityError while parsing XMPP messages caused by default_internal is ASCII_8BIT.
  • add jabber_debug_log and jabber_warnings_log options.


  • Add license
  • Updated Gemfile
  • Change file location to fluent plugin standard.
  • Add format option
  • Add test
  • Add jid/password option


  • Initial release.