
Fluentd output plugin to consume metrics emitted from fluent-plugin-jfrog-metrics input plugin and send them to respective log-vendors.


To build / test locally use rake:


To build install locally use bundler:

bundle install

This will install the gem shown below from source.



Add following line to your Gemfile:

gem "fluent-plugin-jfrog-send-metrics"

And then execute:

$ bundle


You can generate configuration template:

$ fluent-plugin-config-format output jfrog-send-metrics

You can copy and paste generated documents here.



$ gem install rest-client
$ gem install fluent-plugin-jfrog-send-metrics

Setup & configuration

Fluentd is the supported log collector for this integration. For Fluentd setup and information, read the JFrog log analytics repository's README.

Fluentd config

Configure the match directive parameters as specified below

<match jfrog.metrics.**>
  @type jfrog_send_metrics
  target_platform "NEWRELIC" # or "DATADOG"
  apikey <api_key>
  url https://metric-api.newrelic.com/metric/v1 # or DataDog's metrics URL
  http_proxy <proxy_url>

Configuration parameters

Obtain respective authentication credentials for log-vendors

  • target_platform(string)(required): The target log-vendor ("NEWRELIC" or "DATADOG")
  • apikey(string)(required): APIKEY is the apikey of log-vendor for authentication(LicenseKey for NewRelic)
  • url(string)(required): Metrics url of the mertics-vendor (Metrics URL for NewRelic or DataDog)
  • http_proxy(string)(optional): Proxy server URL - which will proxy http/s calls to your observability vendor (DataDog/NewRelic)
  • Copyright(c) 2024- MahithaB, BenH
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0