About This Plugin

This plugin is an input plugin for Fluent. All applications using MessagePack-RPC client can send events to Fluent by using this plugin.

How to Configure


type msgpack_rpc
port 9000


‘bind’ is an optional parameter.

Interface of the Server

The server has following interface

def log(tag, time, record) def logs(tag, entries)

‘time’ is a time when the event occurred. ‘record’ is a Hash having information of the event. ‘entries’ argument is an array of lists having [time, record]. When passing 0 to ‘time’, the server automatically use the current time as ‘time’. See also a sample client code below.

Sample Client Code

require ‘msgpack/rpc’ cli = MessagePack::RPC::Client.new(‘’, 9000) cli.call(:log, ‘debug.tag’, 0, { ‘key’ => ‘value’ }) cli.call(:logs, ‘debug.tag’, [[0, => ‘value’], [Time.now.to_i, => ‘bull’]])