Statsite Fluentd Plugin

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This plugin calculates various useful metrics using Statsite by armon.

Statsite is very cool software. Statsite works as daemon service, receiving events from tcp/udp, aggregating these events with specified methods, and sending the results via pluggable sinks. Statsite is written in C, cpu and memory efficient, and employ some approximate algorithms for unique sets and percentiles.

You may think this as standard output plugin which just sends events to a daemon process, such as mongodb plugin. It is true that this plugin is registered as output plugin, but this works as the so-called Filter Plugin, which means that this plugin sends matched events to Statsite process, recieves results aggregated by the Statsite, then re-emitting these results as events.

Statsite process is launched as a child process from this plugin internally. All you have to do place statsite the binary under $PATH, or set the path of statsite binary as parameter. Neither config files or daemon process is not required. Besides, the communication between the plugin and the Statsite process takes place through STDIN/STDOUT, so no network port will be used.


Assume that nginx log events like below come.

  "time_local":"20/Jul/2014:18:25:50 +0000",
  "request":"GET /foo HTTP/1.1",
  "http_user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; ja-jp; SO-04E Build/10.3.1.B.0.256) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30",

and you set a fluentd config as,

<match **>
  type statsite_filter
  tag statsite
  metrics [
  histograms [
    {"prefix": "request_time", "min": 0, "max": 1, "width": 0.1}
  statsite_flush_interval 1s
  flush_interval 1s

then you will get events such as below every specified seconds.

statsite 1406124737 {"type":"counts","key":"status_500","value":1.0}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"counts","key":"status_200","value":3.0}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"counts","key":"status_302","value":1.0}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":12.0,"statistic":"sum"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":40.0,"statistic":"sum_sq"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":2.4,"statistic":"mean"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":1.0,"statistic":"lower"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":5.0,"statistic":"upper"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":5,"statistic":"count"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":1.67332,"statistic":"stdev"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":2.0,"statistic":"median"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":5.0,"statistic":"p95"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":5.0,"statistic":"p99"}
statsite 1406124737 {"type":"timers","key":"request_time","value":12.0,"statistic":"rate"}


You have to install Statsite on the machine where fluentd is running.


$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-statsite

Statsite Installation

Statsite can work as sinble binary with few dependency. You probably could get it working just by downloading source files and executing make command.

Please refer to Statsite official page.


It is strongly recommended to use 'V1 config format' because this plugin requires to set deeply nested parameters.


key type description required default
tag string The tag of output events. yes
metrics array How to retrive statsite messages from fluentd event. see the details below. yes
histograms array THe statstie histogram settings. see the details below. no []
statiste_path string The path of statsite command. Leave this blank if statsite places under $PATH. yes statsite
statsite_flush_interval time The interval at which statsite flush aggregated results. no 10s
stream_cmd string This is the command that statsite invokes every flush_interval seconds to handle the metrics. It can be any executable. It should read inputs over stdin and exit with status code 0 on success. no cat
time_eps float The upper bound on error for timer estimates. Please refer to statsite official page. no 0.01
set_eps float The upper bound on error for unique set estimates. Please refer to statsite official page. no 0.02
child_respawn string How many times statsite will be respawned in case of unexpected exit. no


Metrics parameter specifies how to form messages to send to statsite from each fluentd event.

Top level of *metrics parameter must be an array which contains strings or hashes. If you set multliple elements in an array, equivalent number of messages will be sent to statsite for one fluentd event.

For example, given this metrics setting,

metrics [
    {"key": "key_1", "value": "1", "type": "s"}
    {"key": "key_2", "value": "1", "type": "s"}

and this fluentd event is comming,

{"foo": "f", "bar": "b", "hoge": "h"}

then the events below will be sent to statsite


Every element of the array must foloow the one of these format, the string format, and the hash format. Both they have the same fields semantically. See the details of these formats below.


key type description required
key string message key yes
value_time string message value yes
type enum statsite message type. yes

With these settings, A message sent to statsite is "$key:$value|$type\n"

You should also see Statsite official page to see the statsite supports in detail.

String format

String format almost the same as Statsite's event protocol, though this format supports variable substitution in key and value field, which is described in detail below.

metrics [

Hash format

Hash format is expressed as JSON Object.

metrics [
    {"key": "status_${status}", "value": "1", "type": "c"}

Message Type

Please refer to Statsite official page.

type description
kv Simple Key/Value.
g Gauge, similar to kv but only the last value per key is retained
ms Timer.
h Alias for timer
c Counter.
s Unique Set

Variable substitution

Both in string and hash format, key and value field support substitution of variable.

When the string "$<em>subst_key</em>" exists key or value field, this will be replaces with the corresponding value in the fluentd event.

For example, given this metrics setting,

metrics [
    {"key": "key_${foo}_${bar}", "value": "${hoge}", "type": "c"}

and this fluentd event is comming,

{"foo": "f", "bar": "b", "hoge": "1"}

then the events below will be sent to statsite


When any one of the substitution key does not exists in the fluentd event, no messages will be sent to statsite for that metric element.

For example, given this metrics setting,

metrics [
    {"key": "key_${foo}", "value": "1", "type": "c"},
    {"key": "key_${bar}", "value": "1", "type": "c"}

and this fluentd event is comming,

{"foo": "f"}

then the events below will be sent to statsite


### Histograms

#### Example

histogram [
    {"prefix": "request_time", "min": 0, "max": 1, "width": 0.1}


key type description required
prefix string This is the key prefix to match on. This is also used as a suffix of section name. no
min float The minimum bound on the histogram. yes
max float The maximum bound on the histogram. yes
width float The width of each bucket between the min and max. yes
  • Copyright (c) 2014- OKUNO Akihiro
  • License
    • Apache License, version 2.0