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Fluent provides a semantic domain-specific language that can be used to construct a fluent interface for test execution libraries.

See the Fluent wiki for details on how to use the framework.


Generally you will just install Fluent as a gem:

$ gem install fluent

If your application uses a Gemfile, add the following line to it:

gem 'fluent'

And then execute:

$ bundle


  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a branch for your change.
  3. Make your feature additions or bug fixes in your branch.
  4. Create unit tests (in spec) for your changes.
  5. Commit your changes.
  6. Push to the branch.
  7. Create a new pull request.

A few notes:

  • Pull requests are very welcome and are considered better than bug reports. Please create a feature branch for every separate change that you make. When you make commits, do not change the rakefile, version or history information.

  • If you are contributing changes, make sure you do so on the develop branch. So if you fork, make sure you also check out the `develop' branch and make your feature branches off of that.