
Flynn is an open source command line tool for easily bootstrapping new projects. It is a lightweight framework designed to meet the following goals: One command to start new projects, easily pluggable (allowing users to write their own recipes), simple configuration, and readable and maintainable code.

The tool currently hooks into RVM heavily for the creation of ruby projects. There should be very few other dependencies. Recipes are responsible for installing anything (read: gems) they need.

Installation & Your first project

  • Install Ruby 1.9 (via RVM or natively)

    $> gem install rvm
    $> rvm install <your favorite ruby>
    $> rvm use --default <your favorite ruby>
  • Install Flynn:

    $> gem install flynn
    • Create a new rails3 project:

      $> flynn rails3 awesomeproject -J -O -m ../templates/heroku_template.rb

Writing your own recipe: MySinatra

$> mate ~/.flynn/recipes/my_sinatra.rb
class Flynn::Recipes::MySinatra
  def create(app_name, options=[])
    # Do whatever tasks you want

Flynn will automatically load any ruby files within this directory.


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License & Acknowledgments

Flynn is distributed under the MIT license, for full details please see the LICENSE file.