
fog_site is a simple utility gem for deploying a static site to Amazon S3 and CloudFront using the fog gem.

To make deployments fast, this gem calculates the MD5 sum of every file locally and compares them against the information stored on S3 (in the 'etag' property of the S3 object). Files are only uploaded if the etag has changed.


Create a new site

site = ""

Decide what you want to deploy

site.path = "/home/bpo/stovepipe"

Decide whether to destroy resources that aren't local

site.destroy_old_files = true

If you're using CloudFront, specify a distribution ID:

site.distribution_id = "Z99120CAFEBABE"

And push it to the cloud


All local settings for a site can be passed into the new_site method: "", :path => "/home/bpo/stovepipe",
                                         :destroy_old_files => true

AWS credentials are read from the environment variables AWSAccessKeyId and AWSSecretKey, but can also be set programmatically:

site = ""
site.access_key_id = "E7L8CCM59BFXJOAMEAPT"
site.secret_key = "t5nszajv3y8u4zI/LtP/r5xUmPnqAT/Tv2n7Xr7n"


Choice of Domains

You can't point a CNAME to the apex of a zone, which means you can't use S3 + CloudFront to deploy to '', you can only deploy to a subdomain like ''. If you want to have a URL like '' work, you'll need to set up a lightweight server that can accept requests for '' and send a 301 permanent redirect to

Cloudfront Cache Invalidation

This gem uses cache invalidation to force new content to be refreshed by CloudFront distributions. This works just fine, but if your content changes often, it's better (and cheaper) to use versioning. See the CloudFront developer guide for details on how to implement a versioning system.

Copyright (c) 2011 Brian P O'Rourke. See LICENSE.txt for further details.