font-awesome-rails Gem Version Build Status

font-awesome-rails provides the Font-Awesome web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline.


Add this to your Gemfile:

gem "font-awesome-rails"

and run bundle install.


In your application.css, include the css file:

 *= require font-awesome

Congrats! You now have scalable vector icon support. Pick an icon and check out the FontAwesome Examples.

Sass Support

If you prefer SCSS, add this to your application.css.scss file:

@import "font-awesome";

If you use the Sass indented syntax, add this to your application.css.sass file:

@import font-awesome

IE7 Support

If you must support IE7, use a conditional comment to provide the font-awesome-ie7.min.css stylesheet to Internet Explorer.

<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "font-awesome-ie7.min.css", media: "all" %>

In haml, that would look like:

/[if lt IE 8]
  = stylesheet_link_tag "font-awesome-ie7.min.css", media: "all"

Either way, Make sure that font-awesome-ie7.min.css is part of config.assets.precompile in your environments/production.rb.

config.assets.precompile += %w( font-awesome-ie7.min.css )

Alternatively, if you already have a CSS file provided by a conditional comment (say, application-ie.css), you can include the ie7 styleshet in that:

 *= require font-awesome-ie7.min


| Version | FontAwesome SHA1 | Notes / Other additions                                                   |
|   0.1.0 | 378b2d7          | Simplest packaging as a gem as possible                                   |
|   0.2.0 | 563a6f3          | Repackaged after their new release                                        |
|   0.2.1 | 563a6f3          | Forgot I had patched the css to reflect the font assetified location.     |
|   0.3.0 | (unknown)        | (sorry, will make sure that doesn't happen again)                         |
|   0.4.0 | 05e5e5b          | Pullup request to 2.0 release of font-awesome                             |
|   0.5.0 | contrib          | (christhekeele) Attempt to prepare request to 3.0 release of font-awesome |
| | 7d173f2          | 3.0.1 release (bug fixes and alignment improvements)                      |
| | 13d5dd3          | 3.0.2 release (better IE7 rendering)                                      |
| | a4612d8          | 3.1.0 release (new icons)                                                 |
| | 949a765          | 3.1.1 release (icon fixes)                                                |
| | 949a765          | asset_path -> font_path usage; Now requires Rails >= 3.2.                 |
| | 949a765          | vendor/assets -> app/assets; Improved Rails 4 support                     |

note on version 0.2.0: FontAwesome now includes scss and sass files, but when I used them instead of the plain ol css file included in the project, it wanted some compass libraries. I'm a fan of compass, but including an entire tool like that in order to generate a @font_face tag seems a little much... I don't want this gem to require compass for such a trivial thing, so we are staying on the vanilla css file for now.

Running on Rails 3.1? Make sure to use version or earlier.
