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Forma is usefull to easily create rich web forms with ruby web-frameworks.

Standard rails forms are great. There are also nice libraries for creating some common elements, like SimpleForms.

Forma is intended for projects with huge amount of forms. It scales easily and without a pain.

Instalation and usage


gem 'forma'

into your Gemfile. Or use

gem install forma

For proper functionality you should also include jquery (v > 1.9).

TODO: css & js inclusion ... etc.


Below are some examples with forma:

forma_for @user, title: 'Register', url: register_path do |f|
  f.text_field :username
  f.password_field :password
  f.password_field :password_confirmation
  f.text_field :first_name
  f.text_field :last_name
  f.text_field :mobile
  f.web_field :email

TODO: more advanced usage of forms