Forrest the stories's runner

Forrest is a runner for stories framework, you can run one story inside of a file that have many stories, can run one scenario or print the list of stories inside a file.

$ forrest test/forrest_stories_test.rb

==> Printing all stories/scenarios...

+ ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheBenchmarkForEachScenario
|__ ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheBenchmarkForEachScenario#test_A_user_run_forrest_with_a_StoryName_as_a_param

+ ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheStoriesReportInAVeryNiceFormat%%--test/forrest_stories_test.rb
|__ ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheStoriesReportInAVeryNiceFormat#test_A_user_run_forrest_with_a_StoryName_as_a_param

|__ ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheStoriesReportInAVeryNiceFormat#test_A_user_run_forrest_with_a_filepath_as_a_param

Loaded suite

Run a specific story

 $ forrest ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheBenchmarkForEachScenario

 ==> Runing story...

 Loaded suite ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheStoriesReportInAVeryNiceFormat

 - As a stories user I want to see the stories report in a very nice format

     A user run forrest with a filepath as a param
     A user run forrest with a StoryName as a param

  Finished in 0.001404 seconds.

  2 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
  1 story,  2 scenarios

Run a specific scenario

$ forrest ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheStoriesReportInAVeryNiceFormat#test_A_user_run_forrest_with_a_StoryName_as_a_param

==> Runing scenario...

Loaded suite test_A_user_run_forrest_with_a_filepath_as_a_param(ForrestStoriesTest::TestAsAStoriesUserIWantToSeeTheStoriesReportInAVeryNiceFormat)

- As a stories user I want to see the stories report in a very nice format

   A user run forrest with a StoryName as a param

Finished in 0.000997 seconds.

1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Yes, you are thinking: this is a very large param, BUT, you can use this flow:

  1. Print all stories & scenarios in a file

  2. use de forrest command and copy and paste the story or scenario (from the step 1) as the param

In this was is very easy to use.

and have fun!