Fountain PAPI Ruby Client

Fountain Partners API (PAPI) ruby client. Helps get started quickly interfacing with PAPI. Today, the library allows for creating partner statuses for an applicant.

In the future, this library is intended be at feature-parity with PAPI operations.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fountain-papi'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fountain-papi


Create an initializer in config/initializers/fountain_papi.rb with your Partner ID and API Key:

Fountain::Papi.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "db516773-4615-4bfa-bce8-94fe9bb951b2" # YOUR API KEY HERE
  config.partner_id = "3870fc40-d0f7-449e-8152-2a741ef3b301" # YOUR PARTNER ID HERE

  # Additional options:
  # config.sandbox = true
  # config.version = 1

If you do not have either of those keys, please reach out to your Fountain partner representative.

When you're ready to update your partner to production, set config.sandbox = false in the above configuration.


Today the Ruby client supports creating Applicant statuses.

result = Fountain::Papi.create_status(
  applicant_id: "231ea206-4d6e-4d7c-80d0-81dff956a197",
  status: "in_progress",

# => #<Fountain::Papi::Applicant::Status status="in_progress" applicant_id="231ea206-4d6e-4d7c-80d0-81dff956a197" account_option=nil link_title=nil title=nil url=nil category=nil color="green" display_status="[Partner Name] In Progress" display_title="[Partner Name] In Progress" external_id="b87ab326-ee84-40aa-a28e-9d520cfeaca8" show_redo=false status_type=nil>

# => "in_progress"

# => "231ea206-4d6e-4d7c-80d0-81dff956a197"

# => "[Partner Name] In Progress"

# => nil

options for status param are:

  • incomplete
  • in_progress
  • pending_action
  • completed
  • error

Additional options when creating an applicant status:

  applicant_id: "231ea206-4d6e-4d7c-80d0-81dff956a197",
  status: "completed",
  account_option: "report_type_1",
  category: "string",
  link_title: "Our report results",
  status_type: "foobar",
  title: "Great Title",
  url: "",

# => #<Fountain::Papi::Applicant::Status status="completed" applicant_id="231ea206-4d6e-4d7c-80d0-81dff956a197" account_option=nil link_title="" title="Our new title" url="" category=nil color="green" display_status="[Partner Name] Completed" display_title="[Partner Name] Great Title" external_id="b87ab326-ee84-40aa-a28e-9d520cfeaca8" show_redo=false status_type=nil>

Title that will show on the applicant's profile on Fountain. Useful for labeling the applicant with quick details (i.e. "Score: 85%") that are viewed on the Applicant Table.



(presumably) The title that is shown for the URL link.


URL that can be clicked on from the applicant's status label. Useful for viewing additional details -- i.e. a report, partner website, etc -- that might be useful to the recruiter using Fountain.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at onboardiq/fountain-papi.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.