Four Bites AES

Author: Mark Percival
Email: [email protected]
Copyright: Mark Percival 2008
License: MIT

This is a simple library that takes any 4 byte integer and encrypts it with a modified version of AES. It's designed with URL shorteners in mind, where brevity is key, and security through obscurity is OK.

Two goals with this project

  • Keep the total number of records somewhat secret
  • Prevent people from easily guessing the next record

mySQL integers are 4 bytes long, so I wanted to account for that, and keep the encrypted number the same length.

I certainly wouldn't base my security on this system.

This library isn't designed to prevent sophisticated attacks. It's simple designed to keep your total record count secret, and prevent the average joe/jane from easily guessing the next number, all in the shortest possible manner.

Details about the code

I followed the AES standard as much as possible, except I used 8 rounds, and a 256 bit unexpanded key. The ShiftRows method became a rotation of the 4 bytes, and the MixColumns became one single column mix. Other than that, it's essentially the same algorithm.

Example code

    class Link < ActiveRecord::Base
      require 'four_bites_aes'

      def to_param

      def find(id)

      def encoder
        @crypter ||="supersecret")
