Frozen Objects

frozen-objects provides some syntactic sugar of implicitly frozen objects and an freezing operator useful for example in class constants.

require "frozen-objects"

class Foo
    SOME_ARRAY = Frozen::Array[:a, :b]   # or any other Array constructing methods
    SOME_HASH = Frozen::Hash[:a => :b]   # or any other Hash constructing methods
    SOME_STRING = Frozen::String::new("bar")

Foo::SOME_ARRAY.frozen?     # will return true
Foo::SOME_HASH.frozen?      # will return true
Foo::SOME_STRING.frozen?    # will return true

All attempts to modify these objects will fail on RuntimeError. Objects are reported as frozen of sure. From other points of view they are "normal" and fully compatible with Ruby implicitly non-frozen objects.

Freezing Operator

Frozen module defines also frozen operator. It's intended for nice and simple freezing whatever. Consider example above:

require "frozen-objects"

class Foo
    SOME_ARRAY = Frozen << [:a, :b]
    SOME_HASH = Frozen << {:a => :b}
    SOME_STRING = Frozen << "bar"

    WHATEVER = Frozen << SomeClass::new

Both methods are equivalent. Select that one which is suitable for you.


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Copyright © 2011 Martin Kozák. See LICENSE.txt for further details.