
Lionel Abderemane aka Bouba


The current version of fumoffu has changed quite a bit. It is still "fresh" but I believe that the structure is much better and easier to understand. I still have not found a satisfactory way to run the tests.

But I think I manage to improve the way the application is packaged.

Fumoffu is now released as a gem. So you may find it on Rubygem website

So I hope you will be able to enjoy it.


Fumoffu is a JRuby / Java Swing Framework which enabling users to easily design and create crossplatform desktop application.

The framework goal primary goals are:

  • Develop a cross-platform UI (Windows, OSX, Linux)
  • Easily and quickly package and deploy the application
  • Easily setup the development environment

You can see a tutorial of a sample application made with this framework here.


From gem

gem i fumoffu

From sources

Setup your JRuby environment

First download and install JRuby if do not have it

On a terminal

To load your JRuby environment in a terminal just make a quick export

  export PATH=/your/local/path/jruby-X.X.X/bin:$PATH

Download and setup the Fumoffu gem

_Since I still did put the gem on ruby forge to install it you to download and generate the gem manually to install it_  

    git clone git://github.com/bouba/fumoffu.git
    cd fumoffu
    bundle install
    rake install
    cd pkg
    gem i fumoffu-0.1.0.gem --local

Tutorial to setup your project are available here.