
Haskell-style partial application and composition for Ruby methods

"In computer science, partial application refers to the process of fixing a number of arguments to a function, producing another function of smaller arity." --Wikipedia

Partial application in haskell
Function composition in haskell


class MyFunkyClass
  include Funkify

  def add(x, y)
    x + y

  # we make a specific method autocurried using the auto_curry method
  auto_curry :add

  # alternatively, if we invoke auto_curry without a parameter
  # then all subsequent methods will be autocurried

  def mult(x, y)
    x * y

  def negate(x)

When a method supports autocurrying it can still be invoked normally (if all parameters are provided) however if less than the required number are given a Proc is returned with the given parameters partially applied:

funky =

funky.add(1, 2) #=> This works normally and returns 3
add_1 = funky.add(1) #=> The `1` is partially applied and a `Proc` is returned
add_1.(2) #=> We invoke that `Proc` with the remaining argument and the final result (`3`) is returned.

We can also compose methods using *:

add_1_and_multiply_by_5 = funky.mult(5) * funky.add(1)
add_1_and_multiply_by_5.(10) #=> 55

# We can even further compose the above with another method:

(funky.negate * add_1_and_multiply_by_5).(10) #=> -55

Other examples:

Add 10 to every item in an Enumerable:

(1..5).map &funky.add(10) #=> [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

Multiply by 10 and negate every item in an Enumerable:

(1..5).map &(funky.negate * funky.mult(10)) => [-10, -20, -30, -40, -50]


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'funkify'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install funkify


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