Furious Generators

Furious Generators are a set of rails generators by Trevor Oke that you can use to help create rails applications more quickly.


Install the gem with:

sudo gem install furious-generators -s http://gemcutter.org

You can also install it as a rails plugin:

script/plugin install git://github.com/thefury/furious-generators.git


Blueprint Generator

Add the blueprint css files to your public/stylesheets folder.

script/generate furious-blueprint

JQuery Generator

Add the jquery and jquery-ui files to your public/javascripts folder.

script/generate furious-jquery

Layout Generator

Create a standard modifiable layout along with associated css, js, and helper files

script/generate furious-layout


  • Fork this repository.
  • Make your changes.
  • Be sure to include tests!
  • Send a pull request.


Trevor Oke - http://trevoroke.com


A number of other libraries have been included in these generators: