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Fuubar is an instafailing RSpec formatter that uses a progress bar instead of a string of letters and dots as feedback. Here's a video of Fuubar in action.

You're on the legacy branch that supports RSpec ~> 1.3 right now. There's an RSpec 2.x branch too. :)


Installing Fuubar is easy. Just put it in your Gemfile:

gem 'fuubar-legacy'

And run your specs like this from now on:

$ spec --format Fuubar --color spec

If you want to use Fuubar as your default formatter, simply put the options in your spec/spec.opts file:

--format Fuubar


Found an issue? Have a great idea? Want to help? Great! Create an issue for it, or even better; fork the project and fix the problem yourself. Pull requests are always welcome. :)

Yay for Fuubar's awesome contributors!