
The Fuzzy Version Matcher gem takes a list of candidate version numbers (strings in the form of numbers/letters separated by non-numbers/letters) eg:

5.1.45-10-percona 5.1.45-10.2-percona 5.1.66-14.2-percona 5.1.67-14.3-percona 5.5.23-25.3-percona 5.5.27-29.0-percona 5.5.28-29.2-percona 5.5.29-29.4-percona

and a subject version number, eg:


The gem will provide the "best match" version from the candidate list according to some simple rules:

  • An exact match returns the same version string, eg:

    5.1.45-10-percona => 5.1.45-10-percona

  • A partial match returns the highest version available from the partial match, eg:

    5.5 => 5.5.29-29.4-percona

  • An inexact match matches as many of the most significant version segments as possible before matching the remaining version segments at the highest level, eg:

    5.1.66-15.5-percona => 5.1.66-14.2-percona


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fuzzy_version_matcher'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fuzzy_version_matcher

I've tested the gem on 2.0.0, it probably works on 1.9.3. 1.8.7 YMMV.


n = Node.new

DATA.readlines.each do |ln|
    # add all available versions

puts n.search("5.5.27-29.0-percona") # 5.5.27-29.0-percona
puts n.search("5.1.45-10-percona") # 5.1.45-10-percona
puts n.search("5.1.45-10.2-percona") # 5.1.45-10.2-percona
puts n.search("5.1.45-10.2-maria") # 5.1.45-10.2-percona
puts n.search("5.1.45-10.400-percona") # 5.1.45-10.2-percona
puts n.search("5.5") # 5.5.29-30.0-percona



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