
A tool to help generate graphs for your Grid'5000 metrics.


gem install g5k-graph


g5k-graph -h

* Description
  g5k-graph - Graph your Grid'5000 metrics.
* Usage
  g5k-graph [options] < list-of-nodes
* Options
    -f, --from=                      The timeseries start time, in seconds since EPOCH [default=1303113485]
    -t, --to=                        The timeseries end time, in seconds since EPOCH [default=1303114080]
    -r, --resolution=                The timeseries resolution, in seconds [default=15]
    -m, --metrics=                   The comma-separated list of metrics to fetch [default=mem_free,cpu_idle,bytes_in,bytes_out]
    -o, --output=                    Where to write the timeseries data and graphs [default=/Volumes/backup/dev/g5k-graph/data]
    -h, --help                       Show this message


  g5k-graph --metrics mem_free,custom_metric -o /tmp -r 360 < $OAR_NODE_FILE

This tools takes a list of nodes on STDIN, and a set of options, and outputs a graph for each metric that you gave. It fetches the timeseries from the Grid'5000 API with the cURL tool, and as such you may need to have a proper ~/.netrc setup for the authentication to work (see the curl-tutorial at http://grid5000.github.com/tutorials/).
