
Gaffe handles Rails error pages in a clean, simple way.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'gaffe'


The easiest way to use Gaffe is with an initializer:

# config/initializers/gaffe.rb

Custom controller

However, if you want to use your own controller:

# config/initializers/gaffe.rb
Gaffe.configure do |config|
  config.errors_controller = ErrorsController


The only required thing to do in your custom controller is to include the Gaffe::Errors module.

Only show will be called so you might want to overwrite it. You might also want to get rid of filters and other stuff.

class ErrorsController < ApplicationController
  include Gaffe::Errors
  skip_before_filter :ensure_current_user

  def show
    # The following variables are available:
    @exception # The encountered exception (Eg. `#<ActiveRecord::NotFound …>`)
    @status_code # The status code we should return (Eg. `404`)
    @rescue_response # The "standard" name for the status code (Eg. `:not_found`)

Custom views

You can (and should!) also use your own views. You just have to create a layout:

<!-- app/views/layouts/error.html.erb -->
<%= yield %>

And create a different view for each possible error rescue response. For example, for 404 errors:

<!-- app/views/errors/not_found.html.erb -->
<p>This page does not exist.</p>

Custom exceptions

If your application is raising custom exceptions (through gems or your code) and you want to render specific views when it happens, you can map them to specific rescue responses.

# config/application.rb
config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses.merge!('CanCan::AccessDenied' => :forbidden)
config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses.merge!('MyCustomException' => :not_acceptable)


Gaffe is © 2013 Mirego and may be freely distributed under the New BSD license. See the file.

About Mirego

Mirego is a team of passionate people who believe that work is a place where you can innovate and have fun. We proudly built mobile applications for iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and Windows 8.