Gandi - Ruby library for using the Gandi XML-RPC API

A Ruby library for using the Gandi XML-RPC API. At the moment support is planned for the Domain, Contact and Operation APIs only, but Hosting and Catalog APIs support may be added in the future. Version 2.0.0 and upwards of this gem supports only the Gandi API version 2.0, use version 1.x of the gem if you need to the 1.0 API.


See for the full documentation about the API. Note that the apikey doesn’t have to be explicitly provided when calling a method.

Quick example:

Gandi.apikey = 'my 24-character API key'
Gandi.url # => ""
Gandi.url = Gandi::URL #Use the production URL instead of the default Operational Test and Evaluation URL'') #You do not have to provide the apikey for each call
contact ='FLN123-GANDI') # => "FR"

You can read more about the library in USAGE.rdoc. Detailed RDoc documentation for each method is available using ‘rake rdoc`.


  • Add missing methods and classes (packmail, webredir…)

  • Abstract the multiple fetches (with the ‘pending’ states) for Domain.available

  • Refactor the Operation object creation from the other classes

  • Refactor the object classes to ensure consistent behaviour (starting with the Contact class) : use hashes with class method and object with instance methods

  • Better handling of failures and server exceptions, and overall stricter params checking

  • More tests

Copyright © 2012 Pickabee. Released under the MIT licence, see LICENSE for details.