
Quick solution for Rails to authenticate your users with Google Apps' Open Id

Install the gem

Just install it as a gem

gem install gappster

Rails 2.3.8

Include it on your environment.rb

config.gem 'gappster'

Install the open_id_authentication plugin

Install crudson's open_id_authentication plugin:

Rails 2.3.8

script/install plugin git://


Just add the following line at the top of the controller where you want to use it, ApplicationController if you want to protect the whole app:

gappster_authentication ''

Make sure you replace with your own Google Apps domain

Now, you will have a filter available to protect the actions you want behind Google Apps authentication:

before_filter :authenticate_with_gapps

Like all filters, you can specify specific actions using :only or :except


  • Tests
  • Generators to auto install the required plugin
  • Make it works with Rails 3, at this point it might, but I haven't tested it yet
  • Include documentation on the needed Google Apps configuration to make it work